Reasons Why Interracial Relationships are Good!!!

Reasons Why Interracial Relationships are Good!!!

A look back into the pre 1967 era would tell you why it was considered a crime to date a person outside your race. However, the United States eventually became a better place to live in, thanks to the Historic verdict of 1967 that made Interracial Marriages legal in the country. The entire country rejoiced and that marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the country.

According to recent statistics, around 6.3 percent of all marriages were between spouses of different races; which is a steep rise from 1% reported in 1970. This is certainly a positive trend that is likely to continue in the years to come. According to the analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2013, American Indians were more likely to wed outside their race compared to other ethnic groups such as White, Black and Asians.

What makes Interracial Relationship so amazing that a lot of people are inclined towards it? Read on to find out:

It is a learning experience: Dating a person from a race different to yours, gives you the opportunity to learn something new every single day of your post – marriage life. You get to know about your partner’s lifestyle, traditions, cultures, food and everything else about his/her likes and dislikes. Furthermore, this is an amazing way to break the stereotypes and getting to know the person as an individual.

You’d have mixed kids: Children born to mixed parents are adorable, aren’t they? This is one of the many reasons why people prefer interracial relationships to getting married to a person of the same race. Not only do these get the best in terms of physical traits but also other characteristics that decide the fate of future generations.

You see the world from a different perspective: Even if your partner was the guy next door, he would have experienced the world from a very different perspective, owing to his racial background. The United States of America was never known to be a friendly place for the black population and if you’re dating a black person, things would certainly be very different.

You’re with someone you not only love but also truly respect: It makes no sense to get hitched with a person just because he belongs to the same race as you do. The Americans have opened up to Interracial Dating primarily because it gives them the opportunity to have more options thereby giving them the liberty to find a match based on personality traits rather than race or ethnic background.

Indeed, Interracial Relationships are good and by getting into one you’re making the world a better place.
