It’s Amazing how our past plus How Every Experience so far in Life

It’s Amazing how our past plus How Every Experience so far in Life:

My heart, happiness, and life has never felt happier since meeting +
growing with him — together, but also independently. It’s amazing how
our past + how every experience so far in life can impact how we act,
reactive, and carry ourselves.

Last night my brother sent me a sermon and it truly hit my heart.
Because it was all about heart. Things Nosa showed and taught me so much

Habits of a healthy heart, and they asked this question …

When you are confronted with change, where do you turn to, “What is your hiding spot?”

⁃ Blame (Do you turn to blame everyone, family, friends, kids, etc. etc.)

⁃ Low expectations (if you don’t expect much you won’t get hurt)

⁃ Busyness (Do you add more onto your plate vs. sit in reflection and truly feel your feelings)

⁃ Pretending/Perception (to be happy, to be whole,
to have everything all put together, but on the inside you’re hurting
and afraid to be YOU and see YOU for who you are) And, the list went on.

Since meeting my husband he forever has pushed me to really see,
feel, and experience how I feel about things in life. Because my hiding
spot? Being busy. I’d pour into work, I’d pour into being a person
forever on the “grind” working at all hours of the night and being
everyone for everyone else, but being true to my heart.

It’s a constant self check, but one I do so much more regularly than
ever before. Plus, life is a hell of a lot more fun when you truly start
to understand why, how, and become mindful of when we’re hiding from
what makes our heart genuinely happy. . . . #wifeylife #husbandandwife
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#coupleselfie #Love #BMWW #WWBM #blackmenwhitewomen #whitewomenblackmen
#interracial #interraciallove #interracialcouple #interracialdating
#interracialmatch #interracialcouples #interracialmarriage
#interracialdatingsite #interracialfamily #interracialsingles

By ➖S A M A N T H A ➖ @samantha.iyoha

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